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Hansa Pankhania
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 9
  • Contatta l'autore:

Hansa Pankhania writes books and offers Consultancy, Training and Coaching to help you become stress-free and successful. She is also a motivational speaker.

Her mission is to reach out to individuals and organisations and help people feel peaceful, relaxed and productive.
Hansa says

‘’I hate to see organisations where people are not fulfilling their purpose and potential due to stress. It is not that hard. It starts with very small changes to turn it around for you. There are some very simple concepts and exercises that you can integrate into your busy routine which will help you to remain stress-free and very successful."

Hansa has been helping stressed people and organisations for 30 years. She has worked with over 200 companies and countless individuals. (approx. 30, 000 client hours) so her interventions are well tried and tested.

She has a national and international team of experts who advice managers on how to manage stress especially stress risk within the workplace. In addition to stress and resilience training they also provide leadership and personal development, from small companies up to multinationals, increasing their profitability and cost effectiveness.

As an Author, at present Hansa is in the process of publishing a trilogy of children’s books which introduce natural stress relief tips.

Contact Hansa here:

Tel:   +44(0)7888747438

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