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Esther Stanhope
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 19
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Meet Esther Stanhope - The Impact Guru  

If anyone can help you speak like a pro, get promoted and have more impact & presence, it’s Esther Stanhope.

Since leaving the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) in London as a senior producer in 2011, she’s helped thousands of professionals in FTSE 100 firms get promoted, speak with confidence and step into leadership roles.

Esther’s global clients include world famous organisations like Barclays, JPMorgan and Deloitte.  

In her career, she has clocked up 12.5 thousand hours of live broadcasting at the BBC and nearly 5 thousand celebrity interviews (like George Clooney & Madonna!) 

Her speciality? Getting the best out of talent. That could be you.  

She’s a sought-after keynote speaker on confidence, self-promotion, women and leadership for the likes of; the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Kings College London; the British Army, The British Government and the creative, tech and property industries. 

She speaks internationally from Canada & Paris to Tel Aviv, Amsterdam and the USA. Her masterclasses are a big hit for awaydays, off sites and virtual client events. Esther regularly hosts lively International Women’s Day ‘Speak Up’ events for clients all over the world and now her virtual keynotes are watched by 1000s. 

Her last book “Goodbye Glossophobia – Banish Your Fear of Public Speaking” won the highly commended award for the Short Business Book of the Year 2020 #BBA2020 and sold out on Amazon on day 3! 

Now she’s sharing her personal impact and career boosting secrets with you. 

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