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Brendan Schütte
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Brendan Schütte is an investigator, mediator, adviser, consultant and trainer in workplace and organisational matters. With an extensive background in Human Resource Management and Development in the private, public and non-profit sectors, he has worked in Ireland, the U.K., Germany and Holland.

He is much sought after as an impartial, clear, respectful external investigator, as a pioneering and effective mediator and a supportive consultant and facilitator. In addition, he delivers training across a range of interpersonal skill areas.

Author of a book on mediation “Fixing the Fighting: A Guide to Using Mediation in Settling Disputes and Resolving Conflict in the Workplace." (Oak Tree Press, 2003), he has recorded an audio CD entitled “Active Listening – seven simple steps to better listening” in 2014, and has also written a number of interesting articles.

You can find out more about Brendan, his work and a range of articles he has written on his website:

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