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Nazir Ahmad
  • Pays: Pakistan
  • Number of Titles: 2

I work in the Pharmaceutical Company, GlaxoSmithKline as a second line sales manager. In my current role I lead a sales team, including first line sales manager and drug representatives. I had begun my carrier as a Drug Representative.

I have gained a ten years experience in training the sales team in many sales programs, including selling skills and territory management for drug representatives. In my present role I not just retain the talents but also hire them. I also establish plans and strategies to expand the business. I also have a practical experience as a Drug representative.

Earlier I had accomplished the Bachelor of Pharmacy degree and an MBA. I also received training from several renowned institutions and consultants on selling skills, territory management, and high performance behaviors for managers, leaderships and team building I have begun writing on the selling skills of pharmaceutical products furthermore I plan to write on the management competencies and leadership also.

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