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Volker Ballueder
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 19
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Volker Ballueder was born in Germany before he moved to the United Kingdom in 2001. He now lives close to the South Downs, within easy reach of Brighton and London. He obtained both a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) and an MBA degree at Aberdeen University; and in his subsequent Digital Marketing career, gained respect as a strategic and commercial leader.

Volker’s MBA thesis was based on Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Since then, he has used methods such as NLP and Strengths Coaching to develop teams and individuals. Emotional Intelligence also contributes to his consulting work; his experience includes leading large teams, positioning companies, and cultivating work-based strategies.

Volker believes his positive attitude and growth mind-set enable him to be more productive. His first book on productivity (#BeBetter) is a summary of success and productivity habits and principles available to anyone, based on his own experiences. He now includes mindfulness teaching as part of his productivity toolkit, supporting executives, individuals and teams to grow.

In 2018, he embarked on a new project interviewing industry leaders about their achievements. Over 18 months, Volker created a 40-episode podcast called ‘Stories of Success’. The summary of those conversations, and the principles he discovered, are now available in this book.

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