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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

Managing Personal Data Breaches

The GDPR Employees’ Guide - Part III

Idioma:  English
The guide for managers and employees to manage better Data Breaches.
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  • Dedication
  • Overview and Contents
  1. PD Breach Background
    1. Introduction
    2. Definition of Terms
    3. Classification of PD breaches
    4. Causes of Data Breaches
    5. Factors Driving the Rise in Data Breaches
    6. Personal Data Breach Management Procedure
  2. Prepare for PD Breaches
    1. Introduction
    2. Preparation Actions
  3. Contain PD Breaches
    1. Description
    2. Actions to contain PD Breaches
  4. Assess PD Breaches
    1. Introduction
  5. Implement Additional Remedial Measures
    1. Introduction
    2. Additional Remedial Actions
    3. Prepare for the next attack
  6. Report PD Breaches
    1. Introduction
    2. Report Actions
  7. Review PD Breach Management Procedure
    1. Introduction
    2. Breach Review and Audit Actions
  8. Improve PD Breach Management Procedure
    1. Introduction
    2. Improvement Actions
  • Appendix 1: Examples of PD Breaches
  • Appendix 2: Examples of Incidents to be reported
  • Appendix 3: Data Breach Reporting Form
  • Appendix 4: Breach Assessment Levels
  • Appendix 5: Breach Evaluation Checklist
  • Appendix 6: PD Breach Assessment Examples
  • Appendix 7: PD Breach Risk Impact Assessment Methodology
  • Appendix 8: PD Breach Register
  • Appendix 9: Examples of PD Breaches and who to notify
  • Bibliography
  • Disclaimer

This book contains a personal data breach management procedure with seven steps and associated assessment techniques, report templates and questionnaires.

About the author

John Kyriazoglou obtained a B.A. (Honours) from the University of Toronto, Canada, also earning a Scholastic award for Academic Excellence in Computer Science. John has worked in Canada, England, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Greece and other countries for over 40 years, as a Senior IT manager, Managing Director, IT auditor and consultant, in a variety of clients and projects, in both the private and the public sectors. He has published several books and articles in professional publications, has served in numerous scientific committees and is a member of several professional and cultural associations.

He is currently the Editor-in-Chief for the Internal Controls Magazine (U.S.A.) and consulting on Data Privacy and Security Issues (GDPR, e-Privacy, etc.) to a large number of private and public clients.

Sobre el Autor

John Kyriazoglou